Periodontics quiz


Quiz 4

Classification of Periodontal and peri-implant diseases and conditions 2017 (Basics)




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#1. What is the case definition of gingival health?

#2. Which of the following periodontal diseases/conditions is classified as periodontitis?

#3. What is (define) a periodontitis case?

#4. What are primary goals of STAGING?

#5. What are primary goals of GRADING?

#6. If the patient’s periodontal chart indicates the greatest CAL ≤ 4mm, PD ≤5mm and panoramic radiograph shows horizontal bone loss with no furcation involvement. What stage would you allocate to the patient’s diagnosis?

#7. If the patient’s periodontal chart indicates a greatest CAL ≤ 5mm, PD ≤6mm and panoramic radiograph shows vertical bone loss with GRADE III furcation involvement. Patient has not lost more than 4 teeth due to periodontitis. What stage would you assign as the patient’s diagnosis?

#8. If PD is 6-7mm and gingival margin is 3-4 mm coronal to the CEJ on majority of the patient’s teeth, with no evidence of vertical bone loss or furcation involvement, what STAGE his Periodontitis may be at?

#9. If patient’s clinical attachment loss is <2mm over a period of 5 years, what GRADE would you assign to your patient’s diagnosis?

#10. Your patient with diagnosed Periodontitis suffers from Diabetes mellitus as well. His latest HbA1c >7%. Patient is a non-smoker. Which GRADE would you assign to your patient diagnosis?

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