Implementation of 2017 classification system
Case discussion
Example from clinical practice
Case #2
From the practice
- 22 years old man, student
- Bleeding of gums and occasional pain associated with wisdom teeth
- Non-smoker, mouth breather
- Good systemic health
- Does not take medications, or reports allergies
- Does not clean interdentally
- Family history of gum diseases
Initial patient assessment PSR (periodontal screening record)
Radiographs – OPG & BWs
Questions to ponder
- What is the full periodontal diagnosis according to the latest classification from 2017 ?
- What is the greatest CAL (mm)? Which teeth are associated with the greatest CAL?
- How would you describe bone loss (extent, type and severity)?
- Discuss treatment plan for the case.
- What other treatment needs would be important to address in this case?