DHAA workshop


Quiz for DHAA workshop

Is There Anything New I Should Know About Periodontal Diagnosis and Treatment – Quiz

Please select the most correct answer.

Satisfactory achievement is 80% and above.

Good luck!

Hover on questionmark for more info on question #6




Sorry, more knowledge next time!

#1. Which of the following periodontal diseases/conditions is classified as periodontitis?

#2. What are primary goals of STAGING?

#3. Which of the molars shows the greatest furcation involvement and which subclass would you assign to the furcation involvement?

#4. Your patient with diagnosed Periodontitis suffers from Diabetes mellitus as well. His latest HbA1c >7%. Patient is a non-smoker. Which GRADE would you assign to your patient diagnosis?

#5. Your patient is 46 years old, and his greatest periodontal bone loss is 35%. Which GARDE would you assign to his periodontal diagnosis?

#6. What would be precise periodontal diagnosis for this patient? ? Clinical case scenario related task: A 56 old patient presents with gum recessions and tooth mobility. Periodontal chart shows PD of 5 mm on majority of dentition. Gingival recession on affected teeth is 2mm. The following teeth have been extracted due to periodontitis: 18, 17, 16, 26, 27, 36, 35. Panoramic radiograph shows vertical bone loss on 13, 24, 25 and 35 and furcation involvement of grade II on lower second molars. Mobility of grade I is present on 31, 41 and 42. Patient is currently smoking 20 cigarettes a day.

#7. Control of risk factors during therapy of patients with periodontitis is not necessary in the following cases?

#8. According to the EFP S3 level clinical practice guideline what does step 2 of the therapy encompass?

#9. Which mouth rinses were suggested by the EFP S3 level clinical practice guideline to be used as adjunct to instrumentation?

#10. The use of specific psychological methods such as motivational interviewing or cognitive behavioural therapy were not supported by the guideline due to lack of evidence?

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