Periodontics quiz


Advanced quiz – Anatomy (Advanced)


#1. Healthy attached gingiva is firm, resilient and shows stippling surface which gives gingiva appearance of an orange peel. Select the correct image that matches the above description:

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#2. The color of the gingiva depends on many factors, such as thickness of the tissue, degree of keratinization, vascular supply, presence of melanin, absence, or presence of inflammation. Healthy gingival is coralline pink in color. The presence of inflammation turns gingival color red and makes gingiva swollen and less stippled. Select the correct image that matches the description of inflamed gingiva:

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#3. Healthy gingival margin shows scalloped outline and is localized slightly coronal to the cemento-enamel junction (CEJ). Gingival recession is defined as the displacement of the gingival margin apical to the cemento-enamel junction (CEJ). It is characterized by the loss of the periodontal connective tissue fibres along the root cementum and by concomitant loss of alveolar bone. Select the correct image that matches the description of gingival recession:

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#4. The size of gingiva depends on the number of cellular elements, amount of intercellular matrix and collagen fibers. Gingival swelling occurs in the presence of inflammation and accumulation of the exudate in the gingival tissue. Sometimes along with accumulation of the exudate, proliferation of the fibrous tissue occurs making gingiva to look enlarged and bulbous. Select the correct image that matches the description of inflamed, enlarged, and bulbous gingiva:

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#5. Sometimes healthy gingiva may be darker in color because of higher production of melanin in the tissue. Discolorations are usually diffuse, dark brown and affect band of keratinized tissue. Darker color of the gingiva may be found in people of darker complexion and is related to certain races, and therefore called racial pigmentations. Select the correct image that matches the description of gingiva with diffuse racial pigmentations:

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#6. The shape of the interdental papilla depends of numerous factors such as shape and position of teeth and their contact points, position and size of embrasures, presence or absence of inflammation, type of the biotype, etc. Commonly papillae are triangular. Certain type of gingival infections such as necrotizing gingivitis can cause severe loss of interdental papillae, making them flat or even “scooped-out” with a depression in mid-proximal area. Select the correct image that matches the description of gingiva affected with necrotizing gingival infection:

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#7. Mucogingival junction is a line that demarcates attached gingiva and alveolar mucosa. Alveolar mucosa is usually thinner than gingiva and darker in color due to transparency. It is not firmly attached to the underlying periosteum thus mobile. Select the correct image with clearly visible mucogingival junction according to the description

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#8. Maxillary labial frenulum is the fold of connective tissue that attaches the upper lip to the facial surface of the maxillary gingiva. In some cases, it can be prominent and can be inserting at coronal level thus rendering oral hygiene difficult and causing diastema. The presence of a diastema is generally benign, however lack of biofilm removal due to difficult oral hygiene around the frenulum can cause periodontal disease. Select the correct image with pronounced and coronally attached maxillary labial frenulum.

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#9. Healthy gingival margin is rounded and positioned up to 3mm coronal to the cemento-enamel junctions (CEJ). Narrow “slit like” or “V-shape” defects may alter the rounded gingival margin and extend to the attached gingiva. The defects are known as Stillman’s clefts and are usually associated with root position in the arch and vigorous tooth brushing. Select the correct image of gingiva with Stillman’s cleft.

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#10. Sometimes gingiva may contain metal fragments – dust from amalgams or other metals used for restorative purposes. The metal fragments produce solitary dark pigmentations of the free and attached gingiva known as amalgam tattoo or gingival tattoo. Select the correct image of gingiva with tattoo.

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